British MPs are trying to “cancel” Russell Brand…but why?
Undermining the presumption of innocence and feeding cancel culture are run of the mill these days, but the timing is very strange.
Kit Knightly

This Russell Brand story gets stranger and stranger by the day. Last night it was revealed the a senior MP had written letters to multiple social media companies requesting information on Russell Brand’s income and covertly pressuring them into either demonetizing or removing his accounts.
[NOTE: Before we continue you may want to read our recent pieces on the Russell Brand case and the UK’s new Online Safety Bill.]
The news broke when video-hosting platform Rumble posted a screenshot of their letter, along with their official response, on Twitter.
In the letter, Dame Caroline Dinenage MP – chair of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee – requests to know “whether Mr Brand is able monetize his content”, “whether Rumble intends to join YouTube [in suspending monetization]” and what steps they are taking to “ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims”.
It was later revealed that near-identical letters had been sent to the offices of X(Twitter) and TikTok.
This is, obviously, wrong. At the very least it’s massive government overreach and potential ministerial misconduct. It is certainly a breach of privacy, and a flagrant display of disregard for the rule of law.
Forget Russell Brand, whether or not you like him and what he did or didn’t do, this is a point of principle.
Right now Brand is nothing but the subject of media-based mudslinging – there has been no trial, no arrest, and no charge. He is entirely innocent in the eyes of the law and remains that way until convicted, this is a vital right enshrined in British law since Magna Carta [emphasis added]:
No free man is to be arrested, or imprisoned, or disseised, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any other way ruined, nor will we go against him or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.
What would prompt the government to overstep like this?
There’s really only one answer to that: The overstep was the whole point.
Either Russell Brand is being genuinely persecuted to establish this precedent, or it’s a manufactured drama being used to establish the precedent. Either way, the precedent is the aim of the game, and the precedent is what should concern everyone much more than the details of the case.
But that’s just the run-of-the-mill tyranny which, in these days of de-banking and censorship, is becoming rather monotonous.
The really odd thing about this is the timing.
The Online Safety Bill
The day before yesterday the House of Lords passed the Online Safety Bill into law, when it’s given Royal assent it will grant sweeping new powers to Britain’s media regulator OfCom.
Among those powers is the authority to serve “information notices”. Meaning OfCom will be empowered to request and collect any and all information they desire from internet services, under penalty of fines or even prison time if the company fails to comply.
And by any information they mean any information, the clause is deliberately as broad and vague as possible:
OFCOM may by notice under this subsection (an “information notice”) require a person within subsection (4) to provide them with any information that they require for the purpose of exercising, or deciding whether to exercise, any of their online safety functions.
Online Safety Bill, page 77, s87(1)
Later clauses even specifically mention income and monetization information (along with a raft of others).
So you see, there was no need for Dinenage to send those letters out. In the very near future OfCom would have been able to serve information notices to Rumble/TikTok/X to get Brand’s income figures, and there would be no question of a) publicly embarrassing an MP or b) companies refusing to co-operate.
There was no time pressure on Dinenage to act, the news only broke a few days ago, and she can’t claim to not know the contents of the bill because as Digital Minister from 2020-2021 she helped write it.
To sum up: There was no reason at all to send those letters now. Doing so may even have damaged the government’s position and increased support for Brand. So why were they sent?
It could be that by asking for information and being denied it, they are trying to demonstrate why we “need” the Online Safety Bill. “Rumble is protecting sexual predators, but the new law will stop that!”.
It could be that social media companies are keen to perform “standing up the government” to excuse or distract from their inevitable co-operation down the line. “Look, we said no when they asked, but now they’re forcing us under a new law! It’s not our fault!”.
It could be some totally illogical self-serving move from an ambitious MP who wants to be seen to be “tough on sexual assault”.
It could be that they are quite deliberately providing both sides with talking points to support their opinion in order to entrench positions and sustain division (they do this a lot lately).
…or it could be something else entirely. There’s a certain feeling of chaos for chaos sake right now, maybe when the waters calm the overall agenda will reveal itself.
On a final note I just want to point out that Dame Caroline Dinenage’s husband is Major General John Mark Lancaster, Baron Lancaster of Kimbolton, former deputy commander of the British Army’s 77th Brigade, responsible for “non-lethal warfare and behavioural influence”.
Make of that what you will.
Incidentally, if you’d like to contact Dame Caroline to let her know what you think of her attempt to undermine human rights law, you can do so here.
Updated after original publication to include quote of “information notices” clause.
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There’s a typo in the second line. ‘ the’ needs to be replaced by ‘ that’.
Maybe… just maybe they are all dumb as rocks. The Intelligenzya has degenerated to a point where they are just totally moronic and do not know what they are doing, pure actionism, action for actions sake. My guess the whole thing is just another diversion, because we must not see what is really going on: Chinas economy is tanking hard, the greedy globullshysts cannot get their money out there fast enough before they crash and burn, the Titanic is sinking but it is most important that the band is still playing.
The nauseating Naomi Klein continues to escalate her gatekeeping with an outright attack on her “doppelganger”, a “woman who shared her first name, but had radically different, harmful views”. (i.e. Naomi Wolf.) Poor Klein “was getting chronically mistaken for her, it seemed too ridiculous to take seriously. Then suddenly it wasn’t”. But why? Because poor Klein was getting threats and insults “from the followers of her doppelganger”.
“Why had her shadowy other gone down such an extreme path?”
And Klein isn’t alone in thinking this. One of the reviews below says,
“Like many I was aware (and shocked) by Wolf’s radical change from a liberal feminist to embracing far-right conspiracy theories and advocating for the same, as well as her aligning with the likes of Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson. So I was immediately curious as to how Naomi Klein would address this complex subject.”
That last line seems a little clunky to me. “curious as to how Naomi Klein would address this complex subject” reeks of Guardian style journalese.
Anyway, back to the blurb:
“Klein decided to follow her double into a bizarre, uncanny mirror world: one of conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxers and demagogue hucksters, where soft-focus wellness influencers make common cause with fire-breathing far right propagandists……”
Yes yes yes, we’ve been here before many times.
Dim the lights. You can guess the rest!
Klein has sold right out, to think that was the author of The Shock Doctrine. Now a venonoua Trudeau supporter. What has happened to her? Maybe mrna ‘vaccines’ rot critical thought faculties.And what vile slander. Wolf is still a classic liberal, she just happens to be a medical doctor who tells the truth about the deadly jabs.
“Covid is the most extreme example of “disaster capitalism” in history.”
-Toby Rogers.
More than ironic!
The media (an arm and extension of your global government) create and promote the tall poppies like Brand, specifically so they can knock them down at will, as an example to the rest of us that we too, can be cancelled, smeared and demonetized at any time.
This is so STAGED.
Brand has long been exposed as a controlled opposition shill and the response to that exposure, is to faux vilify and smear, to hide Brand’s membership in THE ORDER out of chaos club. By faux vilifying him in the press, they actually provide him with a veneer of legitimacy, as seemingly persecuted.
They did the same thing (faux smear, faux vilify) with Assad, Putin, Assange, OBL, Kim Jong Un,Trump etc. It’s so fake, so predictable and it’s always the same Modus Operandi with their controlled opposition stooges.
The agendas are multiple:
Highlighting “Toxic masculinity” and creating more of a cultural and political divide between men and women.Encouraging the public to think about rape, violence and questionable sexual encounters, perhaps also question their own past experiences or behavior.Distraction from important issues (as someone mentioned below) like government democide using RX drugs and the latest rollout of poison injections.Further censorship and potential demonization and demonetization of any and all other humans on internet platforms that dare to broadcast anything other than officially sanctioned lies.Preserving Brand’s faux status as a “speaking truth to power” rebel, when he’s nothing but a shill and a millionaire club member.Push through unpopular, illegitimate laws as mentioned above.Provide cover for “selected” politicians in the faux democracies, within the faux countries by politicizing the staged takedowns.Encouraging people to pick a side, more divide and conquer manufactured wedge issues: IE; Hegelian Dialectic/Faux binaries.
How is he a fucking shill? Do you know the definition of a shill?
an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others:
You’re full of shit.
Your argument is to parse my words?
Shill is not limited to gambling references. The more commonly used reference is someone who “shills” (verb) for the cryptocracy or any group or corporation, duplicitously.
The intent of BRAND and this fake, manufactured story is to DUPE the audience (public) by participating (hawking on RT and other media platforms) in numerous lies and staged distractions in the faux news cycle.
Perhaps Mr. Brand’s posture did him in – one foot in the establishment, the other in the real world. Perhaps it looked too much like he had strayed too far into the culture the establishment is trying to get people to cancel. Ergo, he must now be cancelled by the prude people who hear only scandal.
And what is scandal? It’s having sex without first clearing it with Jeffrey Epstein.
Another theory pushed by Maajid Nawas, also on Rumble, was last Saturday when Brand was on every paper, Neil Oliver on Gb News was covering Medazolam & Morphine possible democide of the elderly to bump up covid numbers. Point was every paper had wall to wall coverage of Brand, yey, not one page on Medazolam and GBN interview on this serious matter.
Maajid Nawas and Neil Oliver FFS and GBN LOLLLLLLLOOLLLLLL
that is why you lot are 10 years behind anything of any relevancy.
carry on grifters comes to mind.
you cannot have ordo without a bit chao…..
Another person that the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist regime tried to cancel:
Syria: President Assad’s Red Carpet Reception in China is a Global Game Changer
The campaign against Brand becomes increasingly demented. This BBC piece appears to tell us about Brand’s response but ends up cataloguing his ALLEGED offences again:
But while you are reeling in horror at the utter vileness of Brand, consider the opposite side – the edifying, heroic Chris Packham.
“Chris Packham: Is It Time to Break the Law? review – the bravest, most anguished TV of the year
This extraordinarily honest eco-documentary sees the nature presenter wrestle with an existential crisis – and he’s so desperate he risks his entire future”
The tears are welling up already!
“Documentary presenters don’t usually make a virtue out of bewilderment, but these are confounding, confusing times. Chris Packham: Is It Time to Break the Law? – an extraordinary, anguished think piece – opens with an audio montage of Packham’s desperate thoughts about the climate crisis, arranged so they chaotically overlap. This chattering inner monologue is accompanied by the unforgettable sight of the presenter’s face slowly being smothered in thick, black crude oil.”
Oh Chris! Chris! We feel your anguish!
Appalled by the lack of impact of David Attenborough’s Cop 26 speech, Packham is “putting his own safety and future on the line”.
“The climate apocalypse is here and, despite fires and floods around the world, there is still – maddeningly – little sign of the change needed to avert the deeper catastrophe that is coming.”
Here it comes!
“Voting hasn’t worked. Peaceful protest hasn’t worked. Rational debate hasn’t worked. What now?”
There’s no need to name specific people here. We all know now that the media always talks with one voice if through different masks:
“We should be on a war footing ….We have to have the rule of law.”
Packham approves of the “actions organised by the guerrilla pressure group Just Stop Oil”
“The threat of arrest and imprisonment does not put them off…”
Chris “shows off that he’s pals with Just Stop Oil”. Tell us something we don’t know.
Get ready for some fun:
“Viral clips of the actions of Just Stop Oil increasingly feature members of the public taking grim pleasure in reacting with violence, from shoving activists out of the road to driving heavy goods vehicles at them. Packham states that those people have been riled up by “the rightwing media”…”
Then there’s Swedish ecology professor Andreas Malm’s book How to Blow Up a Pipeline. “Malm stresses that he doesn’t mean literally blowing things up. Well, not necessarily. But he does advocate sabotaging pipelines or other fossil-fuel infrastructure.”
A handy little preview of forthcoming attractions!
But ultimately our concerned reviewer here hopes that Chris “doesn’t get himself sent to jail: it would stop him making programmes as honest, as challenging and as urgently relevant as this”.
So more of the same to come then?
Didn’t that gimp have some kind of breakdown recently?
Handlers pushing him too hard probably.
Well, now is his time to shine, like a highly polished turd.
The smear campaign against Brand is, predictably, now fanning out on the Graud:
“‘There are dozens of Russell Brands’: female comedians say abuse is rife
Many women working in industry say allegations only scratch the surface of its culture of misogyny”
Media lecturer at the University of Birmingham Ellie Tomsett is tasked with “researching the barriers to women’s participation in the comedy circuit” i.e. she is tasked with finding a despicable culture of misogyny stretching back through British stage entertainment. Naturally she finds a despicable culture of misogyny stretching back through British stage entertainment.
And then various women stand-ups complain about their despicable treatment at the hands of their misogynist male counterparts. Apart from current designated hate figure Brand, no names are given. And no specific cases of abuse are described. A sample:
“I could probably, personally from my own experience, name 15 to 20 people who have behaved inappropriately with me. And if I then included other women in comedy and the stories that they’ve told me, we could easily get that to 100 to 150”.
“Behaved inappropriately”. Meaning what? And who are these “people”. But no sooner has this menacing though utterly amorphous vision been conjured up than it is magnified to “100 to 150”!
And then, just as you might be teetering on the brink of rumbling the scam, there’s a reason for this evasiveness and it fair makes your blood boil with rage!
“There are so, so many others. And I know some people will say: ‘Well tell us the other names.’ But no, I’ve done it before, I’ve described these incidents and people don’t hear me, they don’t believe me. They say: ‘That’s a very serious allegation, I hope you’ve taken it to the police,’ and ultimately I lose work. And I can’t do that over and over again.”
But while your blood so boils, consider what you’re left with. Vast pockets of wrath aimed at …. no-one specific.
Which is why Brand is so important:
“There are dozens of Brands in comedy, on a spectrum from low-level gross to skin-crawling unsettling. Men need to have honest conversations with themselves and the media about what they saw, what they normalised and the types of conversations that take place, from comedy clubs to production offices to writers’ rooms, when women are not there.”
We must be grateful that the ruthless divide-and-rule tactic is being expressed to candidly.
The “related topics” tell the tale:
-“BBC investigates claim Russell Brand exposed himself to woman in Los Angeles”
-“Video platform Rumble rejects MPs’ call to demonetise Russell Brand”
-“What is Rumble, the video-sharing platform ‘immune to cancel culture’?”
(How dare it be immune to cancel culture – which is clearly the great weapon of us triumphant proles!)
-“Russell Brand allegations show how TV tolerated ‘terrible behaviour’, says C4 chief”
-“BBC to investigate if Russell Brand used its taxis to collect 16-year-old girlfriend”
-“YouTube suspends Russell Brand’s revenues from his channel”
-“Russell Brand’s wonderland: the online soapbox where the star pushes his ‘free speech’”
-“How Russell Brand maintains his income and influence”
etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera
As UK law is based on Habeas Corpus – ‘innocent until proven guilty’ they do not have the power to lock up political opponents so they are using trial by MSM. The sole reason that I voted to leave the EU is their law is based on Habeas Juris, giving them the right to bang up any political opponent without a trial.
Please can you tell us about any political opponents that the EU or a EU member state has locked up without a trial? Also can you cite the law which enables them to do it? As far as I know, under French law, if a court makes a decision without the defendant being there, it won’t be unenforceable.
sorry meant to say at the end ‘ won’t be enforceable’
There was the EU arrest warrant that Nigel Farage warned about. Why would you want to be chaned to a Globalist organisation?
what has that got to do with political opponents being locked up without a trial?
a branded inked satanick vessel
no jack sparrow
a ship full of demonic bilge deceit deception.
a man probably a girl who dressed up as osama bin ladin aka tim osman the day after the talmudick ritual that was the 9 and 11.
an asset a project rock n rolla comic con
degradation and mockery.
look at the parents look at that head more freddie mercury than cock knee
what a diabolical liberty
you mugs
Here’s one no-one is cancelling,
Beyond hyperbole:
“Chris Packham: Is It Time to Break the Law? review – the bravest, most anguished TV of the year
This extraordinarily honest eco-documentary sees the nature presenter wrestle with an existential crisis – and he’s so desperate he risks his entire future”
From the hyperventilating Graud.
Chris against the world! And the media are right there with him!
Cognitive dissonance? Shhhhh….
Nobody wants to see or hear this rapist anymore…lock him up!!!
From your previous postings you seem to me to be a very fair-minded person and I’m sure you unintentionally missed out the word ‘alleged’ when referring this man’s behaviour, so don’t you think calling for him to be locked up is a little premature ?
The odds are that ‘Jeff the Beast’ is an ‘AI bot’…
Really ? then I’m grateful for your efforts to enlighten me. Sadly, it was wasted on me because at my age I’m not sure I know what an AI bot is. The response to Jeff was just my poor attempt at a pasquinade.
It is a reflection of desperation at 77th Brigade, at least until the new Online Safety law.
I just tried to post an 11-word comment to Shardlake (and to all other readers of this site). But it went into ‘pending’. An 11-word post!
It’s probably the case that ‘Jeff the Beast’ is not an actual person… ie, is probably (?) a ‘bot’.
Fuck off!
👉The UK was cancelled⚡ like the rest when they did Lockdowns. Living in a country with quackzine zealots is selling ourselves short. The harm they cause is pernicious. It is cummulative and eventually leads to deaths, sickness, heartache, family breakdown and yes rape.
👉Injecting children is rape. The parents are involved in holding babies down. It is similar to what they do with circumcision where the baby is locked down 🔒and stimulated. No apparent stimulation with quackzines but there is the dominating of rape with the parents participation. The subjegation of the target. The penetration of the skin and phalic symbolism. The actual overt sexual abuse comes later as a consequence of this initiation.
👉Make no mistake. quackzines are rape and their peddlers are rapists. These are not defenders of women but actually promoters of rape culture. The mob mentality is the same mentality that keeps girls hiding at home alone. It is the mob whistling and harassing them on the street. It is slut shaming and the homewrecker allegations. All of this and more is a direct consequence of the “herd immunity” theories and “infection” propaganda peddled by the rape apologists of the quackzine cult.
👉Infected in a metaphor for slut. Anti-vaccine means force that bitch. It is an obcence betrayal that any modern woman would have anything to do with the gang rape of children by those closest to them. 💔
👉For some background on circumcision and this post watch WTD ep.87 Jeanice Barcelo ‘hospital birth is ritual trauma’:
Because they follow orders. Whoever can’t see this by now is a deceiver or a fool.
Tyrants from one generation to the next.
Best they receive the same medicine all tyrants should be administered..
“it’s massive government overreach and potential ministerial misconduct”
Apologies for the pedantry but select committee chairs are not government ministers. Politicians, members of what William Cobbett (who was an anti-vaxxer) called ‘The THing’ meaning the Establishment – yes. Government ministers – no.
“this is a vital right enshrined in British law since Magna Carta”
Does Magna Carta have legal status? It’s certainly not statute law.
“It could be that they are quite deliberately providing both sides with talking points to support their opinion in order to entrench positions and sustain division (they do this a lot lately)”
100% this is what’s going on in the USA – but I’m not seeing it so much as the strategy in European and Commonwealth countries. Britain in particular seems to me too close to the mother ship to be reduced to the kind of chaos promoted in the US. Most Brits are still in the two-party system/BBC/NHS matrix with the alt-sector much more marginalised than it is across the Atlantic.
Not everything these vultures do is smart or meticulously planned. Intelligence ultimately becomes stupid when serving falseness and evil.
They overstepped again out of eagerness and confidence that they rule and can do whatever they like. Brand will destroy this weak shit and come out stronger because he has money for lawyers and can sue, just like Depp did. This is most certainly why he only posted a quick 2 minute video about this.
Also, for the dimwits moaning about Brands’s “33 ” tatttoo,… the guy also has a criminal record (immediate disqualifier from lodge membership), is regarded as a clown by masses of people, also has a very christian crucifix and a bunch of other religious symbols on his skin, like countless other hipsters eager to display their status (tattoos cost serious money) and their ignorance of the real meaning of some of those symbols.
Brand has also been non-stop attacking the activities of the elites and pointing out a lot of facts that the mainstream do not want people to know- but his gravest offence here I believe is that he started to include football news and commentary in his videos.
Appealing to the football-watching masses (the elite’s most numerous clients) is verboten unless you really follow the script.
-Like trying to cancel Rogan or Carlson. Clownworld)
I hate to rush to judgement, and with the passage of a couple of days, it looks pretty clear that the allegations against Brand were timed to coincide with, and distract from, the online safety bill (OSB).
Several women have come forward to say they were approached by the media to testify against Brand, and declined to take part. Remember that fake allegations of rape were used to smear Julian Assange.
Perhaps the UK bureaucrats were afraid Brand would criticise their false concern for children and expose the real objective to silence dissent. The smear, knocked the OSB off the pages – The Guardian did not even mention it.
The truth is for a court to decide, not politicians or social media companies. The treatment of Brand is exactly why the OSB is so dangerous.
Thankfully I don’t live in the UK. I would advise moving to peer-to-peer sites like BASTYON com that do not rely on the Internet DNS.
The only court case here will be Brand sueing Channel 4.
”Thank God I don’t live in the UK”; I don’t know where you live but my impression is that the best place in the ‘ Weffy West’ or freedom of speech is probably the US. At least they have Rumble which is banned in Fance and I suspect will be banned everywher in Western Europe if it is not already
And somehow I cannot be alarmed by such news since it has ever been this way. News gets censored all the time, famous persons get cancelled, politicians use stories for their own good, media goes hysterical and life goes on.
No way. I used to read some UK broadsheets from cover to cover in the 1990s until…? I can’t remember when it all went bad…but I used to love the Sunday Times. The Guardian was ok sometimes, the Times was ok sometimes as were the Independent and occasionally the Telegraph. Then everything changed. The same journalists who used to write good articles suddenly went mad.They all went mad and started writing drivel. . i used to find lots of different views and I would usally find something that corresponded with my own views ( even if I maybe had to take certains sections of two different articles together). Now the broadsheets ware worse than the tabloids.Everything is infected by the BS- not just the politics sections ( arts, interviews). For years and years there were some good braodsheets. There was freedom of speech.There was logic
Ante-911 …
“…Russell Brand has criticised Covid Vaccines & is facing sexual allegations. Caroline @cj_dinenage
MP is Chair of Culture & Media. She wrote to
@rumblevideo & TikTok asking Brand to be demonitised. Dame Caroline’s husband is Baron Mark Lancaster, who was Deputy Commander of secret intelligence 77th Brigade from June 2018 – July 2020. The 77th Brigade during the pandemic, spied on social media posts critical of Covid vaccines. Their tweets were reported & censored. The then Head of Editorial for @X was Gordon MacMillan & like MP @Tobias_Ellwood are both members of the 77th Brigade. I am not suggesting that MacMillan or Ellwood were involved or had knowledge of the spying, but it would be good to know.
From Wikipedia:
“The Crimean War marked a turning point for the Russian Empire. The war weakened the Imperial Russian Army, drained the treasury and undermined Russia’s influence in Europe. The empire would take decades to recover. Russia’s humiliation forced its educated elites to identify its problems and to recognise the need for fundamental reforms. They saw rapid modernisation as the sole way to recover the empire’s status as a European power. The war thus became a catalyst for reforms of Russia’s social institutions, including the abolition of serfdom and overhauls in the justice system, local self-government, education and military service”
For Russia read Britain.
RB’s show trial by media. Cheaper than a full judicial trial and no evidence to subpoena. Cheap sanctimony for certain Brit MP’s.
The “why” doesn’t matter. All that matters is that they succeeded, just like they succeeded with Alex Jones. Dissent is verboten.
The past few years i’ve had a Dickens of a time trying to nail down the meaning They have for ‘Rare’…It’s slippery…Seems, according to Them, certain things can only happen either ‘often’ or ‘rarely’. ‘Most often’, ‘not often enough’, and all the other shades between ‘Often’, and ‘Rare’ no longer exist ( or – have been exiled)…
( I know what ‘0ften’ means as i often use it in conversations. I often used ‘Rare’, but They have gotten me all confused and uncertain about my use of it !)…
Thinking about it lately has called my attention to something i’d paid no heed to, and that is the use of undefined or vaguely defined words increasingly appearing in government legislations…
It is deliberate – that is certain…It allows for later ‘interpretations’ to suit the occasion, and, i guess, would make it hard for courts to back you in a dispute with government actions against you…
It appears to be the opposite to the pruning of any undesirable meanings from words Orwell, in his dystopia novel, 1984, has Big Brother striving to achieve with Newspeak…
“When governments decide the meanings of words they have control of what people can think” – to paraphrase Humpty Dumpty…So meanings remain deliberately vague, undefined…
If the meanings remain vague, open to manipulation by government to suit the occasion, well that can be terribly confusing – as if the masses aren’t already confused enough !!..
Yes but does the t in your often remain silent? Not pronouncing the t in often is what raises the men above the pompous asses.
Lawyers make laws … what kind of laws do you think lawyers will make (given that they represent the world’s oldest profession)?
And the other ‘big news’? Rupert is retiring.
Yes, at the ripe (or should that be rotten?) old age of ninety two, Rupert Murdoch is pulling the pin.
Well, that proves one thing:
Unfettered authoritarianism is far, far more addictive than sex.
Watch this space as Lachlan takes the reins and wields his power hungry lust.
Goodbye and GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE to Australia’s ugly and nasty contribution to the world of LIES, MANIPULATION and COVERT VIOLENCE.
I agree 90% only. That is because at least one Murdoch rag, The Australian, was the first to ever run a (front page, with photo) jab injury story, Call this a limited hangout if you want.
Second, their Economics scribbler Adam Creighton was the first to depart from the lamestream Convid narrative.
Both of these events were celebrated by various Oz Freedom movement Telegram sites at the time, go and check them on Telegram.
But it is true that the paper has comment editors who are not much different from those at The Grauniad: no non-Woke comments, however factual, on e.g. Aborigines or sexual politics have a chance.
At least they gave us Assange.
The UK has become very close to a communist state. its citizens, ironically cant figure it out. The US is close behind as is Canada. New Zealand’s handlers ditched the bitch – Mrs.Ardern, now a Dame.
She’s ended up as an “expert” for censorship to online extremism, no doubt Mr.Brand would be akin to one of her targets. There is no proof of her involvement here – but this is what the majority of the citizens elected to power – young idiots who have and had no track record. At least she dis not bomb anyone like the ,ass murder Tony Blair however she surely killed many with her draconian Covid bullshit and then her stupidity with China that almost cost New Zealand their economic stability. Hence she got the boot.
The UK can lead a lot from this. They too need to give the boot to the current government which from what I can tell, their PM is not democratically elected.
The fact is it matters little who they elect as both sides of their political party spectrum is run by the same entities. The UK is done, politically speaking and as a result its citizens are screwed for decades to come.
Mr.Brand’s case is about this. It’s got little to do with his sexual relationships, relation ships which were consensual otherwise these women would have filled charges long ago. Naturally they still can – however it’s doubtful with the way in which they cam out with their situations.
I will not judge Mr.Brands sexual behaviour. It’s not relevant to his channels and his work. If he broke the law, in a court setting he will be charged and then under the law you can apply the penalty and Rumble and YouTube can then also apply their reprimand.
The UK government does not have any right to insist on any such censorship prior to any such legal events taking place, and I highly doubt they will ever take place.
When a government thinks its above the law its time for an informed and educated populace to rise up and make a definitive statement. The UK populace is anything but and will cave to the optics being presented as they have in the past.
Definitely, incredibly, irrefutably “communist” (please note the lower case “c” …
The official line is: your govt cares about you – everything we say and do is for your safety. Brand, doing his homework and then quoting (reading out) facts and figure telling Brits how many £££m of our taxes has been spent on R&D for big pharma and the enormous profit made by those companies for themselves and their shareholders. Challenging the official narrative with pesky facts and figures and revealing Tory and Establishment standard practice of moving public money into private hands, threatens the status quo where the peons have their wealth squandered by parasites and are expected to be grateful.
I think we’ll have to get used to the “new normal” of guilty until proven innocent and the authoritarian overreach, to put it subtly. Just like during the covid scam era, where unhealthy until proven healthy was the norm of the era.
We have finally arrived: We live in a fascist-communitarian-totalitarian society.
There’s nothing “communal” about authoritarianism. Communities are democratic, self-governing collectives of people making policy decisions for their own well being and future. We forget this and attribute “communist” ideological ideas to what is currently happening in the West in the 21st C. This is absolutely a misdirection by the elites to get commoners, us, to dismiss collective decision making as a solution to all current problems, which it is. We throw out the baby with the bathwater when we entertain these stupid memes presented by the capitalist elite to trick us commoners into sabotaging ourselves. They want us to believe unregulated greed, left to itself, will solve our problems. This is the greatest fraud in history.
Lucid. Thank you.
I’m often tempted to wade in and discuss the mis-use of the word “communism” with respect to the west’s current ruling system. Mostly I stay mute because, it’s like jumping into a river trying to stop the flow.
So what is a designation for what we are now living under? I suspect there is no precedent outside science fiction like Black Mirror, and multi-hyphenated words are somehow disappointing.
But calling it “communism” is not accurate but possibly begrudgingly useful until the boomers die off.
Somebody help me out here.
Fascism, the corporate state, authoritarian, totalitarian, is privately owned by the owners of Commerce and corporations. They run it for personal authority and profit. Real communism, socialism with the means of production owned by the people, must incorporate consensus democracy with right of consent by the people as authorization for policy. This was close to be attempted in Chile until Mr. Killinger and the CIA coup’d it. The modern governments that have hung a “communism” sign over their governments, are actually authoritarian socialism with mock theaters of republican style consent. The Nazis called themselves the Nationalist Socialist Party and did indeed deploy socialism but the State was privately co-owned by the corporations and the rich. The Western republics are infinitely closer to authoritarian socialism than any real communism. And whatever any fool in the US calls rampant socialism, like SS and Medicare actually are and thank Universe they exist, they won’t find anything else that is socially beneficial unless our taxes are paying for it like fire, schools and libraries. And even those are being privatized incrementally ever day into useless counter services. The Western nations and their ruling elite want nothing to do with either real socialism or real communism, unless it puts it’s bottom 90% into LOCKDOWN slavery. The misuse of the terms, socialism and communism, in relation to our Western republics does not serve to get society to a point where we are designing a way to provide for the social needs of Humanity. Stop it!
The person in question just gets more attention. Everyone knows someone male or female that is a sex maniac. Its all a bit silly.
A target is needed to usher in the solution. Or is it just straight forward and simple, COVID was exposed by free discussion online, so to progress the agenda they need to close that down. The next phase is coming and they are laying the ground work. A whole lot of us will be disappeared as required. e.g. During the scamdemic I was block by the ABC on Facebook because of the comments I was making. They do not come up in my search. I pay for that shit for god’s sake. As the Add says, It’s my ABC!
I don’t think so because I don’t think any heads have rolled over Covid. They got away with it really, don’t you think? Look what happened to the English MP Andrew Brigden who was kicked out of the Conservaitve party for hist statements about Covid vaccination
It’s more to do with will the same trick work again? I think the alternate response had an effect on their progress, people began to question the narrative and they can’t have that, the con falls apart once the duped stops to think.
Questioning the narrative protects the Narrative … that’s why it is allowed.
Evidently , the plan is online control but how can this be achieved with this or any other blunt weapon ?
VPNs are ten a penny, I assume the dark Web is easily accessible?
Is it really in their interests to drive us underground to communicate with each other ?
Surely, it’s easier to monitor dissent on platforms like this where we have at least the pretence of anonymity.
Or is it just window-dressing ?
VPNs = more Profit ($$$) maximization … What’s not for Them to like?
I am perplexed why you are airing this …
RB is a shill. he will do a world tour on the back of this like last time and call it new world order bt gold fish lot have forgotten what happened last time..
if we are to play the yer yer yer game.
How is this any different than adl tactics….which you lot never mention.
they do this and worse if anyone dares say Isl is apartheid state.
I really dont give a fuk NOR do normal folks some Mp is writing to who ever AS the gas electric bill will be hear next week and that will be wft!! and most will be struggling and the petrol gone up 20p per liter and food has gone up again and mortgage rates will also go up..
but poor millionaire RB joker the nigel fruade defection of the left that is what RB joker plays a deflection.
Kit, how about writing about what is real rather than what is media deflection.
maybe real doesn’t effect the blogs..
Thanks for the article. I know about Russell Brand and I like him a lot. By the way, even if he was guilty of this behavior many years ago, does that mean that he should be punished by social media outlets and/or other non governmental entities? I thought that sort of thing was the job of government (to enforce laws) which has all sorts of due process procedures – including innocent until proven guilty.
A example of the ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ tactic ?
It’s known that people get suspicious when you tell them the truth…
They actually suspect you’re hiding, or, trying to hide something …
Dinenage has given an example of what the Online Safety Bill makes legal
– and thus has aroused suspicions about “What is she really up to ?”
Lately i’ve been wondering about that other Dame, Dame Edna Everage (aka – Barry Humphries)
– wondering when will the Cancel Culture Crusaders accuser ‘her’ of corrupting parents, call for ‘her’ erasure from Public Memory…
That should be ‘popular memory’…
an interesting thought, one wonders if this plan to provide a censorship network built by the state will massively backfire, by this I mean people have become used to venting their spleen on social media, what happens when that gets restricted or removed? wouldn’t the state rather the masses argue online rather than taking that to the real world. In real life the majority have been easily compliant, will that continue or will we see more people become less compliant offline.
Have any of their plans backfired yet? I still miss Rt..and before that I missed having a proper UK press. Everything is just getting worse and worse…their plans are going swimmingly and not backfiring.
Monkeypox was quickly scrapped when they realised we saw it was a joke .
I honestly believe that the demonstrations by millons around the world halted the covid scam from it’s planned fruition.
So, yes, their plans do backfire.
Hasn’t the UN admitted lately that from their high flying Agenda 2030 plans only a meager 15 % have been achieved ? Seems like most of their stupid plan hasn’t worked out. And they are fast running out of money and out of time. Don’t let the Gates and Sorasses fool you, they are not as rich as they want to make you believe, most of their wealth is made out of thin air.
As long as They profit, nothing backfires.
OK, so Brand was rolling along, doing his thing, then all of a sudden, he gets accused of rape years ago and it’s in every newspaper and news program on the planet all at once, except maybe some remote villages in Africa. He hasn’t been charged yet and he hasn’t been found guilty of a damn thing, but now some British politicians want to punish him by taking away his rights to free speech and make a living. Which has nothing whatsoever to do with rape and everything to do with trying to shut someone up and send a message to everyone else that this is can happen if you veer off the reservation. I think that pretty much proves that there is a concerted plan and effort to continue the march of censorship on the internet. Shutting up Brand is small potatoes, the main course is online censorship.
Could that have been Brands job?
I seriously doubt it. I think he’s sincere, and doesn’t go far enough or totally get some things, maybe with a little narcissistic caused self interest, but I don’t think he’s on their side. But I don’t know all that much about him.
He’s most definitely ‘on their side’ – believe nothing of the antiestablishment hype.
Oh OK, that settles it then. I’ll bite, why is he on their side?
I don’t and can’t know whose side he is is on, but I do know this: The people who I know to be on my side, honest, unfussy, unshowy working class people like me don’t get to go on primetime TV and say what we think. There are more intelligent, more erudite, more wise people than Brand who aren’t invited onto mainstream TV to give their insights into the way the World works, because they probably wouldn’t get as many viewers because they aren’t flashy showmen with dubious histories.
For the record, a friend of mine knew of Brand from the London comedy circuit, and he is a sketchy charachter to say the least, with a reputation for being sexually pushy. That doesn’t make him guilty of anything. Only trial by jury ought to decide that. But I don’t trust him and I don’t think the likes of him will ever be on my side, regardless of whatever limited truth he speaks. And I have watched enough of his material to k now that he does speak some limited truth, but also that he equivocates on key issues that matter, in order to not become too unpopular.
I think that Russell Brand is squarely on Russell Brand’s side. I worked in entertainment and I know people like him, my Brother is one as a matter of fact, and he’s only ever really on his own side. That’s just what I think. Nothing definitive, just gut instinct, some rumour that I’ve heard and a lifetime of experience which tells me not to trust those on primetime TV. In fact, not to trust anything on TV.
That’s my perspective, for what it is worth. Now if I may ask you, why do you think he is on your side?
I would have to refer you to my above comment Bob. I clearly said ” But I don’t know all that much about him.”, which basically says, I’m just guessing. I also indicated he probably has some narcissistic self interest. And I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt rather than the mainstream oligarchy media and its obviously coordinated attack on him. So if you all want to focus on Brand instead of the real problem, go for it. I ain’t doing it.
Fair enough Al. Brand just seems like part of the wider problem to me. I see him as a gateway truth teller at best. Maybe he’s just savvy enough to know that real threats to the system don’t survive for very long, what with him having been on the inside of it for a good portion of his professional career. If he has wooken some people up enough to do their own research and reach their own conclusions, then great. He’s just got this messianic thing going on that I automatically recoil from. I know people like him and they are almost invariably bullshitters, hence the lack of trust from me.
But I totally agree, focusing solely on him is futile and misses the bigger picture. Which is exactly what the fuckers who definitely aren’t on our side want.
Either way, yep. I hear ya tho. Like I said, I tried watching him at times, but not for me. Plus, I thought he was a little tame compared to how I view things. Kind of like trying to be in the club but not going all the way so as to not alienate others.
@But I totally agree, focusing solely on him is futile and misses the bigger picture.
Dead men/women tell no tales, but the stuff they leave behind does the talking for them.
I think we “problematic thinkers” take whatever we can get.
Here’s a guy with a sizable platform, transforming leftover empowerment from a previous career in large entertainment, and, as an entertainer, still using his theatrical persona, saying important establishment-critical stuff for the masses, whose views would not be changed by some nerdy professor in front of some bookcase.
So who does he work for?
ME, for one.
“Only pre-approved messaging is allowed by the Lame Stream Media. We now return you to your regularly scheduled mind reprogramming.” — MP of Truth
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
You also need to see this as “reverse engineering” a complete shill so he will become a “canceled hero”, but not only that Mr.Knightly, you have to realize who owns is part owner of RUMBLE, its Donald Trump and duttt dutt duttt duuuh PETER FUCKING THIEL, the man whom is behind Palantir, we all know Palantir don’t we? So not only is it engineering Mr.Brand as a “dissenting hero” but also building Rumble, which is in part owned by Mr.Palantir, I’m sure this super duper freedom platform isn’t just another globocapitalist internet funnel designed to make us all fall into their sweet sweet vinegar-syrup!
My own experience: after I was censored on youtube (because of covid-related topics) I started a rumble chanell. Until now I was not censored on rumble.
Could the two sources of information we have in the ‘ not so free West’ be from Biden on the one hand ( youtube) and Trump on the other ( Rumble)?
whatever you think of RB and the current situation and politics of it, one thing is for certain, this is just the beginning of how things are going to go, the politicians now have the law even more on their side via the harms bill so they could easily demand anyone or anything be banned going forward. this seems like a fishing exercise to see who would comply and ban and who would not, the narrative being drummed home is safety safety safety and the states view is being branded as listening to unauthorized (unregulated) media is against your safety.
I also think this new law serves as a get out clause for tech businesses, for some time they have taken the heat for banning while being pressured by the state, now they can just turn around and say “not our fault blame Ofcom etc”
Canceling of RB is just conditioning for the rest of us. Not any different than Trump, in that they are controlled opposition for the purpose of classifying free expression as an act of violence.
No expression allowed unless that expression is “acceptable”.
This is also part of the ESG nonsense being pushed by BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, using private funding to threaten Corps that don’t comply, and forcing the enforcement of “acceptable behavior”.
I think the next step is to ban Rumble in the UK cos they refused to comply. Rumble is banned in France because Rumble has not banned RT ( accoring to notices displayed when I am on the internet.) The funny thing is I can access RT DE ( German RT ) in France
Sexual allegations is a well-tried playbook. Julian Assange is widely remembered, but also Jacob “Jake” Appelbaum is to be listed. Anyone remember that guy?
They may have shown questionable or bad behavior in the past, I really not know. They were rockstars, in a sense. And I not want to negate it such or excuse them by saying so. It is however very important to see how these allegations, regardless their degree of validity, were played/used to the maximum extend possible.
If it walks like a duck, smells like a duck and quacks like a duck, it most probably is a duck.
This situation with Russel Brand here, is very smelly to me, once again.
Lets start a study of behavioural influence, with a question.
If a chocolate bar could find a way to kill a man, would you still promote its use?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-20. DNA and mRNA contaminants in covid shots. Pfizer’s previous booster tested on 8 mice only, latest one on 10 (blog, gab, tweet).
I figured it out but it took some time. Being American I only know Russel Brand vaguely as some kind of British comedian that turns up in movies and the like from time to time. I couldn’t work out what all this #MeToo fuss was about until I came across a reference to him taking a public stand with a couple of others against the government, the system or the policies (or whatever). Apparently speaking out in public if you’re a “known person” is now verboten in the UK.
BTW — I don’t know his politics. I don’t know him except peripherally. I may well not agree with him, who knows? But this kind of non-personing is getting a bit much. And its really formulaic. I don’t know why people fall for it, they need to bear in mind that “Those the Gods wish to destroy first accuse them of vague sexual somethings or another”. (They also need to bear in mind that they’re not immune either — think “Niermolller”.)
they know they are not immune, which is why they keep quiet.